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Posts uit mei, 2015 tonen

7 kritische vragen die elke recruiter zou moeten stellen

V erkeerde aanwervingen kosten organisaties handen vol geld en zijn tijdrovend. Hierbij enkele handvatten om je als recruiter te helpen de juiste mensen aan boord te halen. Focus op volgende kritische vragen Is this person's work experience relevant? Hoe sneller je de nieuwe collega wil inzetten op belangrijke projecten des te belangrijker de relevante ervaring is. Would the candidate be a team player? De meest getalenteerde medewerker zal nooit zo sterk zijn als een goed samenhangend geolied team Om team player gehalte van je potentieel nieuwe medewerker te testen laat je een van je eigen medewerkers samen met de kandidaat medewerkers een actueel of reëel probleem oplossen met behulp van je eigen producten of diensten Would the candidate be a cultural fit? Zo is bijvoorbeeld klantgerichtheid een kernwaarde in heel wat bedrijven en daarbij top prioriteit voor vele recruteerders. Peil naar deze vaardigheid tijdens het interview en vraag aan de kandidaat wat h...

Good to great

A book written by Jim Collins that tackels one of the biggest questions business has to offer. Begin 2013 I had a meeting with an inspiring COO. He offered me this book. I started reading and recognized a few very important facts that I want to share with you. An overview of the framework of concepts: 1. Level 5 Executive blends extreme personal humility with intense professional will looks outside the window to attibute succss to factors other than themselves looks ino the mirror when things go poorely, taking full resposibility 2.First who than what getting the right people on the bus and then figure out where to drive put your best people on your biggest opportunities debate vigourosly in search of the best answers 3.Confront the brutal facts (Yet never lose faith) lead with questions, not anwers engage in dialogue and debate conduct autopsies without blame built red flag mechanisms that turn information into information that can not be ignore...

Getting the picture

During the last years a lot of things happend in my life.  One of them was photography. I learned to apprciate little things that moved me, a colorfull flower, the sun going down in april, impressions on the beach.  These things relate in a way to my professional life. Looking for details, beautiful things and trying to get the picture.

Runners high

B Hi, Just been running 10,5 km.  How come that i've got that fantastic feeling during and after running? Running gives you a feeling of complete euforia because you attend the finish...? Endorfine can be playing a role (untill recently not possible to measure) However there is a direct correlation between effort and the release of endorfine Recent research proves that runners high realy exists I want to give you a few tips to integrate running in your daily life: Keep your sportwear within reach for instance next to your smart hone or alarm clock Download an attractive  app such as Nike running to motivate/monitor your results in your daily routine.  Start with little efforts for instance run three time 5 minutes. Once you get the routine you can easely expand. Develop a routine (running 2 times a week, walking once and cycling once a week) The effect you get is comparable with heroïne or nicotine. But this effect is a positive one!...


Hi all, I want to share with you an exciting experience.  One night I was thinking how things were going to evolve in my professional live. I wondered how my professional life was going to be in the coming years. I started looking for webpages on how to handle this type of questions...I even wondered if I was having a burn-out or feeling depressed. I came across a large number of coaching consultants and therapists... One company caught my eye: Kompas, I called on monday and had my first appointment on Friday. Inge was my coach, she guided me through my questions and doubts. She was the Kompas I lost during my professional life and she guided me to my fantastic new job. Oostend february 2015 Just remember: NEVER loose faith, There will alwys be a light at the end of the tunnel LEARN to know yourself, learn to love yourself. Analyse your strong and weak points ASK your clossest friends (and the one you love) to identify your qualities and pitfalls GO for t...

Operational excellence= out, relational excellence= in?

If your sales goes down, it's because you're talking and not listening, it's because you don't get it... Today's reality in sales is that our customers (read procurement) are transforming our processes. Sales people tend to think that they choose their customers. Reality is that procurement is choosing us. We "sales people" need to change our strategy and develop a client oriented service organisation. Focus on following key questions: what are the customer's needs ? how can I (our management) help? what are my clients targets? Focus on your ideal customer portfolio. Try to find a good balance between profitability and volume. This will be your new strategy : relational excellence = the new perspective:  relational excellence = the new perspective:  be curious and be interested in your client. Involve your CEO and business managers in your contacts with strategic and development clients. develop a professional client ...

A new start

A few weeks ago I've started off in a new job: Key Account Management in an international company. Together with my-10-year old daughter we came up with the idea to start a blog. Over the years I've gained a lot of know how and knowledge in different areas eg sales, account management and human resources. This will be my diary were I will share with you a lot of ideas, news and lots more Can I present myself. I am a sales woman; bitten by and pasionate about sales. In search of a fantastic name for my blog I can across the following ideas; Sales bite: bitten by sales and also passionate about cooking Great sales: based on good to great: the ultimate management bible Fun sales: because sales is fun Sell your pain: this was too much and finally Bizz Lise: a correlation between business and myself

A new start

Hoi, Sinds enkele weken ben ik opnieuw aan de slag als Key account manager in een internationaal bedrijf. Samen met mijn dochter van 10 kwam ik op het idee om een blog op te starten. Dit wordt een beetje mijn dagboek anno 2015. Over de jaren heb ik heel wat bagage in mijn rugzak kunnen steken op vlak van human resources, sales, account management e.d.m. Dit wordt een plaats waar ik mijn ideeën kwijt kan, leuke weetjes vertel en frustraties de vrije loop laat. Mag ik me even voorstellen. Ik ben een sales dame, gebeten en gedreven door sales, verkoop en commercie... Bij het zoeken naar een gepaste naam voor mijn blog had ik de keuze tussen een trits van leuke woordspelingen; Sales Bite: gebeten door Sales Great sales: gebaseerd op een van mijn favoriete boeken "from good to great" Fun sales: omdat sales ook absoluut fun is Sell your pain: net iets te hé en Bizz Lise: dit is het geworden, een samengaan van business en mezelf!