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Posts uit 2021 tonen

Why is it so hard to stop a bad habit?

  Hey there, Today I was reading a really interesting blog post written by an ex-colleague.  According to Marshall Goldsmith, everybody has at least six to eight habits that need to be stopped. To overcome these bad habits, it is important to learn what type of information is appropriate. More about the bad habits (there are at least 21 of them can be found by clicking this link) To overcome these bad habits it will be important: Ask for feedback: change does not happen with negative feedback but with honest and helpfull feedback. Get feedback on your own from your surroundings and from how people react to you. Learn to appologize for your bad behavior to the people who matter most to you. By appologizing, you mend broken relationships and overcome negative emotions. Demonstrate changed behavior or your intention to change your behavior. Listen more than you speak and listen with respect. Express gratitude . Follow up on your progress by...

Benefits of cross-docking

M ore and more companies are identifying opportunities to incorporate cross-docking – the process of receiving product and shipping it out without putting it into storage. Cross-docks are generally used for “hub-and-spoke” arrangements, consolidation, or deconsolidation  Hello, I don't know why but I am intrigued by warehousing in general and cross-docking in particular. Mayby it has to do with the growing e-commerce market and the need for higher efficiency. I see upcomming 4Pl players that are specialised and focused on specific segments of our economy (fashion, lifestyle, electronics,...).  Supply chain activities need to be organized as efficient and fast as possible. Customers are seeking products with the lowest competitive price. Companies therefore need to invest in new  state of the art technologies and network desig.  This allows the companies to accurately forecast demand, track and  predict inventory levels , create highly efficient transportat...

In zes stappen naar een succesvolle introductie van leren en ontwikkelen in jouw organisatie

  Het succesvol inzetten en promoten van leren en ontwikkelen wordt steeds belangrijker binnen organisaties. Globalisering, steeds snellere technologische ontwikkelingen, het belang van duurzaam inzetbaar personeel en het worden van een wendbare organisatie zijn aan de orde van de dag. In een steeds krappere arbeidsmarkt hebben medewerkers meer keuzemogelijkheden en worden organisaties met een grote diversiteit aan ontwikkel- en groeimogelijkheden aantrekkelijker.  Enkele barrières overwinnen Om tot een succesvolle adoptie van leren te komen moet je een aantal barrières overwinnen. Hieronder degene die wij het meeste tegenkomen bij organisaties die serieus met leren aan de slag willen. L eren staat niet als strategische pijler op de agenda van het management  Veel organisaties maken van leren geen strategisch doel. Er is dan geen of onvoldoende communicatie (en sturing) over het nut en de waarde. Het nut en de noodzaak van leren en ontwikkelen worden daarbij onvoldoe...

Electric trucks may go mainstream sooner than you think. Here is why.

  Electric trucks will play a key role to achieve a fossil free product range by 2040 says Volvo Trucks. It may sound as an unrealistic target, but in fact, the switch to electric vehicles is set to go much faster than most have anticipated. Here are some reasons why. The cost of owning an electric vehicle is going down Although an electric truck has a higher sticker price than a conventional vehicle today, the low number of moving parts in an electric engine mean they often have longer lifecycles and need less maintenance. Meanwhile, the price of batteries is decreasing at a rate that’s outpacing most analysts’ expectations Batteries keep getting better As demand for electric vehicles has shot up, battery innovation is also accelerating. Lighter, lithium-ion batteries are about a third of the weight and half of the volume when compared to lead-acid.  Infrastructure challenges are being addressed Today, charging an electric truck for shorter-range tasks can be easily done over...

The re-working of "work"

Global connectivity, smart machines, and new media are just some of the drivers reshaping how we think about work, what constitutes work, and the skills we will need to be productive contributors in the future.   Rather than focusing on future jobs, we need to look closely at future work skills—proficiencies and abilities required across different jobs and work settings. Six drivers of change But first it is important to stop and think about drivers—big disruptive shifts that are likely to reshape the future landscape. Although each driver in itself is important when thinking about the future, it is a confluence of several drivers working together that produces true disruptions. We chose the six drivers that emerged from the research as the most important and relevant to future work skills. 1.  extreme longevity : Increasing global lifespans change the nature of careers and learning Aging individuals will increasingly demand opportunities, products, and medical services t...

To Retain Employees, Focus on Inclusion — Not Just Diversity

The key to inclusion  is understanding who your employees really are. Many organizations conduct employee engagement surveys, but most neglect to segment the data they collect by criteria such as gender, ethnicity, generation, geography, tenure, and role in the organization, missing opportunities to identify issues among smaller groups. Focus groups are another way to gain deeper insight into what employees care about. They are best facilitated by a third party with no vested interest in the outcome so that employees can speak freely Get personal in one-on-one discussions. A one-on-one discussion with a manager can be the most powerful tool for finding out what an employee cares about. But for these conversations to be effective, the manager needs to have an open-door policy and exude a “tell me anything” persona. One way for managers to prove they are trustworthy is by sharing their own thoughts and feelings when they are tired, sad, or struggling with an issue. It helps show they...