Electric trucks will play a key role to achieve a fossil free product range by 2040 says Volvo Trucks. It may sound as an unrealistic target, but in fact, the switch to electric vehicles is set to go much faster than most have anticipated. Here are some reasons why.
The cost of owning an electric vehicle is going down
Although an electric truck has a higher sticker price than a conventional vehicle today, the low number of moving parts in an electric engine mean they often have longer lifecycles and need less maintenance. Meanwhile, the price of batteries is decreasing at a rate that’s outpacing most analysts’ expectations
Batteries keep getting better
As demand for electric vehicles has shot up, battery innovation is also accelerating. Lighter, lithium-ion batteries are about a third of the weight and half of the volume when compared to lead-acid.
Infrastructure challenges are being addressed
Today, charging an electric truck for shorter-range tasks can be easily done overnight. While infrastructure for fast-charging trucks is still small, it is expanding as cities, logistics centers, automakers and gas stations look to cater to an emerging demand.
Electric trucks are becoming the better choice
As the price of electric vehicles goes down, choosing electric could become more than a question of sustainability and cost. The switch to electric vehicles could go faster than many have anticipated. At least, there are many signs indicating this development. And electric trucks are already rolling on our streets in real operation.