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Posts uit 2019 tonen

How to become an Exceptional coach?

As a coach, you have the experience, perspective, and (perhaps most importantly) the objectivity required to recognize, highlight, explore, and throw a life-line to the opportunities for success. You can help override negative thinking, fear, immobilization, and other limiting emotions that get in the way of people making changes they really want in their lives. Exceptional coaches hold the space for possibilities. Holding the space for possibilities means: Helping people figure out even small steps that move them forward and toward their unique and self-determined definitions of success. Small victories generate confidence - in one’s self and in the fact that change is actually possible. Reminding people of their intentions. Even the best goals and action plans can be obscured by the blur of day-to-day priorities and challenges that pile up on employees. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and let the ‘urgent’ overtake the ‘important’. But a coach can gently jog someon...

How to train your mental resilience?

I was looking for  inspiration how to find ways to build your personal resilience . I found some very interesting information on the website of Elke Geeraerts. Elke Geeraerts wrote a book on mental capital and she also give keynote speaches.  She offers an eye-opener that makes it clear that investing in resilience leads to greater productivity and happiness.  Elke refers in het book 'better minds" to our human strenghts.  She shows how we can better our minds, and how this helps us increase our own mental capital and that of our employees. Elke Geraerts sets out the most important components of mental resilience. People, in contrast to computers, are able to persevere and to find their own way, against all the odds and against all opposition. Our ability to reprogramme is the basis for achieving more with your mental capital. A second uniquely human quality is our ability to resist, to oppose. Not just an occupying power or an unethical business owner, b...

How to change your organisation: Yin or Yang?

Economy and society are going through a robust transition. Companies and organisations are a crucial factor in this, with a tremendous impact and creative power. If we really want to make a difference, then we must dare to grow into new ways of working and living together. Towards companies and organisations that grow successfully in a way that is beneficial for every individual and for the whole of society. This is the path that the Organisation Of The Future wants to follow. Interesting thoughts? What do you think about this topic...? This morning I was reading an article in the magazine: Psychologies. I was triggered by the questions on how to create a more creative balance in your company.  Advice for women(and for men). Women should be more conected and supportive, especially with each other. We should relate more to each other and ask ourselves questions. "how can we resolve this problem", for instance. "What do we need"  etc. The specific answers...

Ook postbode is nu officieel knelpuntberoep

De krapte op de arbeidsmarkt is vorig jaar enkel maar toegenomen. Dat blijkt ook uit de knelpuntberoepenlijst die de Vlaamse arbeidsbemiddelingsdienst VDAB dinsdag heeft vrijgegeven. Nieuw op de lijst: postbode. Werkgevers hebben de grootste moeite om personeel te vinden voor openstaande vacatures. Bijna nergens elders in Europa raken vacatures moeilijker ingevuld. Vooral technisch personeel is moeilijk te vinden.  'De zoektocht naar technisch personeel wordt ronduit problematisch', aldus de VDAB. De top tien van beroepen waar werkgevers de meeste moeite mee hebben om geschikt personeel te vinden, bestaat dan ook overwegend uit technische profielen, zoals onderhoudstechnici en allerlei beroepen in de bouw.  Met stip bovenaan: werfleider. Ook verpleegkundigen staan in de top tien van moeilijk in te vullen vacatures, net als ICT-ontwikkelaars en bestuurder trekker-oplegger. Onder meer postbode, stukadoor en verzekeringsadviseur zijn dit jaar nieuw op de knelpuntbe...