As a coach, you have the experience, perspective, and (perhaps most importantly) the objectivity required to recognize, highlight, explore, and throw a life-line to the opportunities for success. You can help override negative thinking, fear, immobilization, and other limiting emotions that get in the way of people making changes they really want in their lives. Exceptional coaches hold the space for possibilities. Holding the space for possibilities means: Helping people figure out even small steps that move them forward and toward their unique and self-determined definitions of success. Small victories generate confidence - in one’s self and in the fact that change is actually possible. Reminding people of their intentions. Even the best goals and action plans can be obscured by the blur of day-to-day priorities and challenges that pile up on employees. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and let the ‘urgent’ overtake the ‘important’. But a coach can gently jog someon...