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6 months later, Oh help can I cope?

Hey me again,

Do you remember me, the enthousiast writing 'my first six months in the most international company'?...

Well, here I am again, this time with a different story. People often say enjoy the first weeks and months in your new job. You know, I did and still do. I am still a part of this fantastic international company. Still enjoying my job and everyday work. But there is more. Today I sense the less "fantastic" sides of the logistics sector. The sense of urgency is real and often time critical. I learned to be reactive and at moments hands-on and pro-active ; always looking for solutions and alternative ways to getting things done.

Yesterday I invited my 2 bosses to have a chat/meeting on these topics. The good news, said my boss is that there are lessons learned. (we talked about the impact of the crises we endured the last 3 months).The bad news is that there always will be crises.

Here are some survival tips:

focus on the job: take time to get to know your company and the specific environment. Be pro-active, ask questions and take decisions. Don't run off every day at five and do more than what is expected.

learn to get to know your colleagues. Not only your direct colleagues but everyone in the company. This gives you more fun and develops the important goodwill factor; You will notice that this is vital within your job.

don't  really dwell on the past. There is a reason why you aren't still working at your previous work. So don't refer to much to your previous job. This could be interpreted as preachy or pedantic.

and the most important  tip: learn from your mistakes. We all have moments where we realise the huge mistake we have made. This has given me several sleepless nights. But remember that success often starts with mistakes and the lessons learned.

Being new to a job offers you a set of advantages, It is a pretty hectic and exciting time with a lot of new challenges. So embrace the uncertainty that it gives you and enjoy the experience.


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Peter Waumans, Erkend adviseur internationaal ondernemen Caroline Buyze en Jessi Handekijn, Field Sales, DHL Express Lode Van Vlasselaer, Algemene Administratie der Douane & Accijnzen Johan Wouters, Gateway manager DHL Express Didier Braham, Customer Operations Group, DHL Express Gerrit De Sterck,Customs affairs manager Benelux